Coconut Prawns

  • 24 king prawns or similar, peeled
  • 175g plain flour
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 150ml iced water
  • 60g panko breadcrumbs
  • 60g desiccated coconut
  • 600ml oil, for deep frying
  • Salt and pepper
  • Make your batter by mixing 125g of flour, the baking powder, and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre, breaking in the egg, the whisk with the cold water until you have a smooth consistency. Fill up your deep fat fryer or wok with oil, and heat to around 180C, or sizzling temperature.
  • Tip the remaining flour (about 50g) into a bowl, and season with salt and pepper. In another bowl, mix the coconut and breadcrumbs. Coat each prawn with the flour, then dip into the batter, and finally into the coconut crumbs. Deep fry for 2 minutes or until crisp and golden, then drain on kitchen paper before serving with your choice of dips.
20 mins
4 serving
This recipe pairs perfectly with The Lost Plot 'Serendipity' Australian Sparkling 2004 from Mornington Peninsula, Australia.