Cracker-Crumbed Camembert Canapes

  • 40g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 x 125g camembert
  • 100g crushed Jatz crackers or similar
  • Cranberry sauce, to serve
  • Preheat the oven to 200C and line a baking tray with paper. Spread the flour onto a plate, lightly whisk the eggs in a shallow bowl and spread the crushed crackers in another bowl. Cut each camembert into 8 wedges and dust in flour, dip in the egg and coat in the cracker crumbs.
  • Place on the lined baking tray and bake for 7 mins or until golden and starting to ooze. Serve immediately with cranberry sauce for dipping - perfect!
10 mins
Makes 16