Henri Bourgeois

The small town of Chavignol is perhaps best known for its goats’ cheese (and if you ever get a chance to try it, it’s something you most certainly won’t regret doing!), but this part of rural Sancerre is also home to another source of supreme sensory delight: Domaine Henri Bourgeois, the latest incarnation of a classic French family winery which is currently in its 10th generation of quality vignerons, and which is probably at the peak of its powers right now. With a seriously impressive history of winemaking behind them, and the kind of experience, skills, and family secrets that most wineries would give an arm and a leg for, Domaine Henri Bourgeois is a powerhouse of flavour and character, and a winery which consistently impresses fans of traditional French wines.

By combining tradition with contemporary winemaking techniques, and by bringing centuries of knowledge of the Sancerre terroir into play, the team at Henri Bourgeois are able to select the very finest grapes for their bottles. Despite being such a considerable force in the region for so very long, current showrunner Jean-Marie Bourgeois is keen to show that Domaine Henri Bourgeois is still in the ascendency, and still very much evolving and changing with the times. Indeed, the number of hectares of prime Sancerre vineyards under the winery’s control has recently expanded to an impressive 65 hectares, meaning Domaine Henri Bourgeois has even more quality grapes to play with, and is able to up their production to impress and delight even more fans of their wonderful wine - something that can only be a good thing for all of us!

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