
Like so many of the best Aussie wineries, Jeanneret began not as a professional operation with its eyes on big money or worldwide fame, but as a passion project; something to do on a quiet afternoon, and a way of making exactly the kind of wines that Ben Jeanneret and his mates most wanted to drink. Back in 1992, Clare Valley was starting to be internationally recognised as the world-class wine region we know it to be today, and the Jeanneret clan were lucky enough to have access to a pair of top-notch vineyards in the northern reaches of the valley. After their first few batches of grapes proved to more than hit all the right notes, their path became utterly clear: this was a passion project that clearly had the legs to go the distance.

By 1994, the winery had begun to find its feet, and the Jeanneret cellar door opened to the public. Thanks to their distinctly ballsy Australian approach, their use of organic farming methods, and a willingness to explore alternative production techniques and grape varietals, something of a cult following quickly started to arise. The team grew larger, the number of bottles produced doubled, then doubled again and again… but one thing remained constant: throughout all the innovations, the ups and downs, and the changes which come about with success, Jeanneret remained dedicated to that first rush of passion and excitement, and continued making beautifully generous and flavourful wines from the finest Clare Valley fruit.

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