Mauricio Lorca

Mauricio Lorca has been making waves in the world of South American wine for some time now. Before launching his own eponymous operation, he worked as a consultant winemaker at several Argentine and Chilean wineries and made a name for himself overseeing the production of some truly stunning bottles. Like any great creative, he eventually got itchy feet and felt a strong urge to put himself in a position wherein his talents could truly shine. As such, he set about creating his own winery, where he could explore Mendoza winemaking with no restrictions, and start making the kinds of wines he most wanted to drink himself. The Bodega Lorca has grown from strength to strength ever since and has given Mauricio the opportunity to create distinctive, fun, highly drinkable wines which combine his instincts and intuition, along with his years of experience.

Lorca is particularly well known for his slightly maverick approaches (at least, Maverick for the Mendoza wine scene), such as the rejection of oaking - most of his wines are completely unoaked, as he claims that his mission is to let the natural flavours of his grapes shine through. This philosophy of keeping things simple and direct seems to be at the source of his whole operation, and the results more than speak for themselves. Freewheeling yet straightforward, flavour-driven yet philosophical… think of him as a jazzman of the wine world - taking skill and precision, then using improvisation and instinct to pick out notes you wouldn’t have expected or imagined.

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