Product Announcement - Corporate Gifts & Tasting Notes Opt Out Option
We've got two new product announcements we're excited to share today!
First up, we're announcing… New Corporate Gifts! So it’s time to hint-hint, nudge your boss!
…Or if you’re the boss, take note!
We’ve just released a new EASY corporate gift program. So corporates can show their team they care; or share the love with favourite clients by sending them their own box of wine adventures to enjoy.
How easy is it? Only 3 quick steps, and then our corporate gifts concierge team will step in to do the rest. You can find the Corporate Gifts Page here. Hopefully your boss has your team on the nice list this year!
Secondly, we've just released a new function in your setting that lets you choose not to receive printed tasting notes. We know a bunch of you have been asking for this for a while!
All you have to do is head to your Settings and Click Tasting Card Options. You can find it here or see the screen grab below. Of course if you do opt out, you can still find all the same information by click on the bottle on your All or Past Wines pages.
That's it for now, but we've got some more new updates coming out soon, so keep your eyes posted!
We hope you love these updates!
From the GPD Team