Red Wine Pears with Roquefort Dressing

  • 3 firm pears, peeled, halved and cored
  • 300ml red wine
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Handful of toasted macadamia nuts
  • For the Dressing
  • 100g crumbled roquefort or similar
  • 125ml crème fraîche
  • Place the pear halves in a single layer in a pan, then add the wine and 300ml water, the sugar and the cinnamon. Cover with the lid, then simmer for 10 mins or until tender. Leave to cool completely, then place in the fridge until ready to serve.
  • In a small pan, warm the cheese with the crème fraîche to combine. Remove the pears from the poaching liquid, slice and fan out on serving plates. Drizzle with the roquefort dressing and serve with a scattering of macadamia nuts.
20 mins
6 serving