Sake and Coriander Mussels

  • 1.5kg fresh mussels, scrubbed and rinsed
  • 150ml olive oil
  • 3 sliced garlic cloves
  • Small bunch of coriander, stalks and leaves separated, chopped
  • 3 lemon slices
  • 50ml white wine
  • 450ml sake
  • Heat 50ml of olive oil in a large saucepan and cook the garlic until golden (but not burnt!). Tip in all the mussels, lemon slices, coriander stalks, wine and sake. Pop a lid on the pan and cook on a high heat for 5 mins, or until the mussels have opened. Chuck away any that remain closed.
  • Add the coriander leaves and serve the mussels in four bowls, drizzled with the pan juices and the rest of the olive oil. Enjoy!
10 mins
2 serving