We're Changing Our Name!

But first a teeny bit of background context.

It’s only been a few years since we decided to start this little wine company of ours. And in that time our mission has never changed. It has always been to make wine more fun, more accessible, more joyfully inclusive — to open up the world of wine for everyone, from newbies to aficionados. Our #1 goal has always been to create the best customer experience possible by mixing expert wine curation with personalisation technology to provide an unprecedented offering. Well… at least to those of us without a personal sommelier!

Which is why we’re changing our name.

The Wine Gallery has served us well. We’ll always be grateful to it. We’ll always be grateful to you for supporting it. But we want our name to represent who we want to be, and who we want to be to you — a name that truly reflects our mission, speaks to our inclusiveness, invites people to explore and discover new wine. Something surprisingly delightful. Something fun.

But what do we want our new name to say and how should it make us, and you, feel?

We want you to feel intrigued and excited when you see our name. We want it to evoke curiosity, maybe even a smile. We want you to be delighted and down to discover more. We want it to be memorable... for the right reasons.

We want you to feel welcomed when you see our name. We don’t want you to feel isolated or shut out by the stuffiness or pretentiousness of wine. There’s no room for exclusivity or self-consciousness in our service.

We want you to have an immediate sense of familiarity when you see our name. An excited, exasperated, “Oh, finally!” The wine company you actually understand. The, “I know this is weird and we’ve just met but I kinda feel like we’ve been mates forever?” kind of familiarity. The wine company you can actually be yourself around. There’s no pretending here.

And we want a name that tells you a bit about what we do. But not in a loud obvious way. In a way that speaks to you subtly and evokes a sense of... "oh yeah, I get it, they help me discover new bottles of wine I'll love, by pairing them with my unique tastes".

So enough of the backstory, you've been very patient with us. Without further adieu, Introducing our new name...

Good Pair Days.

Good Pair Days are the ones where you're feelin’ yourself. Things are going your way, matching up, you’ve got total comfort and contentment, with top notes of excitement. They’re the kinda days enjoyed solo with your favourite guilty Netflix flick and a red… or spent with your bestie, a kitchen dance party, cooking up a storm.

The days when you find the perfect pair of shoes for an outdoor venture that winds up somewhere cute, or see the “always happy to share a rosé at a baby shower” friend, or just sit in a park with a nice bottle and a light late afternoon breeze.

Pairing you to good wine. Pairing wine to good food. Enriching the good pairs you’ve paired for yourself. That’s what we do. It's our mission to make sure Good Pair Days are always coming your way...


That's it. We really hope that the above resonated with you. But please send us an email if you'd like to chat more about it. Stay tuned for our next announcement with more details on the launch of our new visual identity and brand spanking new site!

Here's a sneak peek of our work in progress: