Wine Braised Lamb Shanks Recipe

What you'll need:



Preheat your oven to 150C. In the meantime, season the lamb with salt and pepper, then brown the shanks in a pan with a drizzle of oil.


Boil the lamb and vinegar together in a casserole dish for five minutes. Add the lamb, garlic, bay leaves, paprika and your stock. Cover, bring to the boil, then stick in the oven for 2 hours.


Remove the dish, add the chorizo, onion, carrots and a bit of honey if you want to sweeten it. Cook for another hour.


Remove the meat and the vegetables from the liquid, put to one side and keep warm. Thicken the sauce by putting the casserole dish on a high heat for 8 minutes or so, adding seasoning to taste. Serve the meat and veg with lashings of the sauce, and large glass of wine. Delicious!

There you have it -- a recipe for wine braised lamb shanks!

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