Asparagus and Pesto Risotto
Asparagus and Pesto Risotto



  • 1.2 litres veg stock
  • 280g asparagus, ends removed
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 300g risotto rice
  • 150ml white wine
  • 200g green pesto
  • Shaved parmesan, to serve
  • Cut the asparagus into thirds, adding the tips and middle sections to the hot stock. Finely chop the remaining pieces. After 5 mins, remove the asparagus from the stock and set aside. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large saucepan and cook the onion for 10 mins to soften. Season well, then stir in the finely chopped asparagus with the garlic and cook for 3 mins.
  • Stir in the rice and cook for 1 min. Pour in the wine, increase the heat and bubble for 2 mins or until almost evaporated. Add the stock, a ladle at a time, until the risotto is thickened and creamy but the rice is still just al dente. Stir in ¾ of the pesto, then take off the heat and cover. Leave to stand for 5 mins or so, then drizzle over the remaining pesto and serve with shaved parmesan and lots of black pepper.
35 mins
4 serving

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