Creamy Chicken in White Wine Sauce
Creamy Chicken in White Wine Sauce



  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 150g smoked bacon, sliced
  • 2 chicken breast fillets, cut into strips
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 200g white mushrooms, chopped
  • Knob of butter
  • Pinch of herbes de Provence
  • 250ml single cream
  • 250ml dry white wine
  • Cooked new potatoes, to serve
  • Fry the bacon in a large pot with the oil for 4 mins, then remove from the pan and set aside. Add the chicken to the pan and season well, then brown all over for a few minutes before setting aside with the bacon.
  • Add the butter to the pan and cook the onions for 4 mins to soften, then stir in the garlic, herbes de Provence and mushrooms and cook for 4 mins more. Pour in the wine and bring to the boil, then return the bacon and chicken to the pan and stir well. Cook for 4 mins, then stir in the cream and simmer for 10 mins. Season to taste, and serve with new potatoes.
30 mins
2 serving

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