Easy Prosciutto-Wrapped Beef Fillet
Easy Prosciutto-Wrapped Beef Fillet



  • 14 prosciutto slices
  • 150g chunky pesto
  • 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
  • 1.5kg beef fillet
  • Basil leaves, to serve
  • Preheat the oven to 200C. Place 7 prosciutto slices side-by-side in a row, slightly overlapping, to create a rectangle. Repeat with the rest of the prosciutto, laying the slices so they overlap along the long side of the first rectangle.
  • Spread the mustard and pesto all over the beef and season. Place the beef, pesto-side down, on the prosciutto rectangle and roll to enclose the fillet fully. Place the beef fillet seam-side down in a roasting tin. Roast for 45 mins for medium, then transfer to a plate and cover with foil for 10 mins to rest. Top with basil leaves, carve, and serve with all your favourite vegetables.
45 mins
6 serving

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