How to make the perfect Lemon Chicken with Cashew **Preparation time:** 20 minutes **Serves two people** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemon chicken is one of those takeaway classics which you can find at any good Chinese restaurant. However, it is also one of those dishes that can be a little disappointing and formulaic
How to make the perfect Lemon Chicken with Cashew
**Preparation time:** 20 minutes
**Serves two people**
Lemon chicken is one of those takeaway classics which you can find at any good Chinese restaurant.
However, it is also one of those dishes that can be a little disappointing and formulaic when bought from a takeaway - the sauce is generally a little gloopy, and a dish which should be all freshness and light, not to mention healthy, often ends up being anything but that.
Thankfully, this is a dish that can be made perfectly easily at home, and when prepared properly, can be a nutritious, relaxed meal full of zingy, fun flavours that the whole family will love.
What you'll need:
- One tablespoon of sunflower oil
- Three hundred and fifty grams of mini chicken breast fillets
- Two sliced garlic cloves
- Two hundred millilitres of chicken stock
- Two hundred grams of broccoli
- One teaspoon of cornflour
- One tablespoon of honey
- The zest of half a lemon
- The juice of a whole lemon
- A handful of roasted cashews
Heat your oil in a large pan, then fry the chicken breast fillets until cooked through and golden in colour.
Remove the chicken from the pan and set aside. Then throw in the garlic and broccoli, and stir fry on a high heat for a minute. After this, cover the pan and cook for another two minutes until the broccoli is almost tender.
Mix the cornflour and honey into the stock, stir well and add to the pan. Stir on a moderate heat until it has thickened. Add the chicken to the sauce, continually stirring so it all heats through. You can now add the lemon zest and juice, and before serving, throw in the cashews.
Serve with noodles, and enjoy!
Wine pairing for Lemon Chicken with Cashews
This is a fun, light dish, packed with fresh, fruity flavours, complementing that golden chicken. As such, we’ll be looking for a wine which is equally light and fresh and fruity, capable of balancing with the chicken and broccoli, and adding to the refreshing nature of the sauce.
You’ll want a bit of acidity, too, to stand up to all that lemon juice. For us, the best wine to match with lemon chicken would be a good Chardonnay.
Chardonnay wines are always a great pairing for chicken, and as long as your wine is not too oaky or buttery - as some Chardonnays can be - it should be a delicious match that’ll keep your guests coming back for more.
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