Pork Chop and Apple Salad
Pork Chop and Apple Salad



  • 1 quality pork chop
  • ½ apple, chopped
  • 25g grated cheddar
  • 25g raisins
  • 3 tbsp chopped parsley
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds
  • Griddle your pork chop on a high heat for 4 mins on each side, or until cooked through. Leave to rest for 5 mins.
  • Meanwhile, mix the apple, raisins, cheese, and parsley. Cut the pork into slices and mix with the cheese and apple mixture, then dress with the olive oil, vinegar, and sesame seeds. Serve hot.
10 mins
1 serving

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