Sweet Potato and Pepperoni Hash
Sweet Potato and Pepperoni Hash



  • 250g sweet potatoes, cut into 2cm chunks
  • 100g sliced spicy pepperoni or similar sausage
  • 2 sliced red onions
  • 1 sliced celery stalk
  • 100g thinly sliced grilled eggplant
  • 100g thinly sliced grilled red capsicum
  • 1 tsp Italian dried herb mix
  • 3 tbsp tomato puree
  • 10g chopped parsley
  • Boil the sweet potatoes for 10 mins or until tender, then drain thoroughly. Add the pepperoni, red onions and celery to a frying pan and cook for 5 mins to soften. Season and stir in the sweet potatoes, eggplant and capsicum, Italian herbs and cook for 5 mins. .
  • Add the tomato puree and a splash or two of water, and stir well to combine. Season to taste, then add the chopped parsley to serve.
25 mins
2 serving

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